Why Diversified Contracting For Mold Remediation?

That’s a pretty strong headline for a blog: ‘We know what we’re doing.’ But to be honest, it’s not only the truth, but the core of our service. We have experience dating back to 1980. That’s 32 years — and counting.

If you look at our website, under ‘Our Services’ — we list 10 areas of expertise. One area we’re most proud of is Mold Remediation, the safe elimination of a potentially-hazardous, always-ugly mold and the mess that comes with it.

When Diversified Contracting tackled its first mold remediation projects, we went to residential homes to not only remove mold, but clean the areas affected by the mold so you couldn’t tell there was a problem in the first place.

As word spread that we knew how to tackle the devastation mold can leave behind, it wasn’t long before hospitals called us. Hospitals. Let that sink in a bit. A building that relies on keeping people safe so they can recover from illness or injury calls Diversified Contracting to ask us to solve their mold problems. That’s flattering for us, and hopefully impressive for you. From there, commercial buildings and hi-tech manufacturers became part of our mold remediation rotation.

Again, why us? Let’s call it the ‘Three E’s: Expertise, Experience and Equipment. In 2012, you can have a wealth of knowledge of how to correct a problem, but you also need the right tools to the get the job done right. Diversified Contracting has invested in those tools and we’re now a leader in the mold remediation sector of the service industry.

Mold remediation. That’s just one of 10 areas where we can help you. Other areas include Fire and Water Restoration, Asbestos Abatement and Soda Blasting, just to name a few. Please click around on our website, get familiar with what we do, and give us a call.

Why? Because we know what we’re doing. And sometimes, you can’t always put a price on that.


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